A total amount of N36 million (K70, Million) has been discovered missing from Nigeria`s..
Nigerians have once again proven that witchcraft acts in their movies are real and..
A well-known witchdoctor is on the run for his life after community members tried..
A 52-year-old Zambian woman has shocked the community after she revealed that she is..
The mother of a dead woman was accused of being a witch just hours..
Two suspected car jackers were made to walk naked on the streets with a..
A Ugandan man whose identities are not yet known has learnt the lesson of..
A 30-year-old South African man who claims his manhood stopped erecting since he broke..
A South African blind witch doctor is making headlines in local papers due to..
A man who reportedly stole a car, is currently crying out for help after..
A south African woman has been left in shock as she found her late..
A 22-year-old man in Dedza district has died after using charms he got from..
A man has tried to kill his own children after a witch doctor told..
A 62-year-old Zimbabwean man is being attacked by goblins he used to increase yields..
A self-confessed habitual traditional medicine user met his match when he tried having the..
A thief who is believed to have been using Juju has been killed after..
A South African witch doctor, Alex Luthuli aged 37 went to buy a live..
A woman suspected to have been involved in witchcraft deeds was on Tuesday killed..