She died in a car accident one week before her wedding, and she had..
Scientists have discovered what they say are the world's oldest surviving biological colours, from..
A 27-year-old South African man has reportedly been sent off in a bizarre way..
A South African woman is recovering in hospital after being discovered alive in a..
Indian people are well known by their beliefs in worshipping different idols but this..
Nigerian actor and comedian Benjamin Nwachukwu, known to his fans as Shuga Shaa, has..
A Kenyan man is in agonizing pain in Tana River County after allegedly developing..
A Pastor in the United States has been arrested together with his wife after..
An inmate who was mistakenly released was driven back to jail by his wife after..
A disturbing video has emerged of a priest slapping a baby across the face..
Technician who arrived to fix a broken cash machine in the Indian state of..
A Pakistani judge has sentenced a man to be executed after he was expelled..
A 54-year-old Indonesian woman has recently been swallowed by a 23 foot long python..
A 22-year-old US man has been ordered to spent the rest of his life..
Nigerians do some bizzare things and the rest of the world has learnt to..
A Russian man found a human skull while planting potatoes only for his wife..
A South African prophet who is known by using bizarre stunt of making his..
A man who was dressed as 'devil' has been spotted jumping over little babies..