Clerk of Parliament (CoP) Matilda Katopola has refused to resume duties as ordered by..
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Over 590,000 households are expected to benefit from the Public Works Programme this year,..
Market analysts say the country’s foreign reserves are on their way to recovery owing..
At a staggering 13 million, the population of Malawi continues to grow, according to..
Reliance on political opportunists is contributing to a monotonous style of running of the..
Prison authorities in Malawi have noted that harsh custodial sentences handed to offenders committing..
The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has implicated Malawi’s former finance minister Goodall Gondwe and two..
The Malawi Police Service have recovered over K40 million worth stolen property in Blantyre..
Pressure is mounting on the Joyce Banda administration to address the current security lapses..
President Joyce Banda has been in office for over 100 days now. During her..
The much-awaited opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics will start from 9 p.m...
A man of Indian origin has been arrested in Malawi for staying in the..
President Goodluck Jonathan and his Malawian counterpart, Mrs. Joyce Banda, yesterday in Abuja lamented..
The UN is building Millennium Villages to accelerate development and the achievement of the..
Bunda College in Lilongwe which is also a constituent college of the just emerging..
Waterpipes were sent to Zomba by a donor in order to help create a..
The worst drought to hit the USA in over half a century has sent..
Earlier this summer, Malawian religious leaders and people living with HIV met for a..