NIGERIA - All students except those in tertiary institutions have been given an automatic..
Two youths have been caught doing it in a pathway at night. The young..
In Katsina state,Nigeria - A group of secondary school students were caught on camera..
Two Kenyan high school students have been dragged to court and charged with arson...
Police in Zomba have since last Friday kept in custody two Chancellor College students..
Here’s a message we got from a lady who said she want people to..
20 students have been arrested in Mzimba for allegedly being found in possession of..
MANEB has blamed the Malawi Police for the recent leekage of the MSCE saying..
A 20 year old girl Alefa Chasweka of Target Private School in the commercial..
Chancellor College and the Polytechnic students agree to sign consent forms and go back..
Some section of Chancellor College and The Polytechnic Students have said that they will..
Chancellor College & The Polytechnic students return to classes on Monday, 17 June upon..
Council of the University of Malawi wishes to inform students from the Polytechnic and..
Rumphi First Grade Magistrate Sophie Chimaliro on Friday sentenced a 21-year-old Phwezi Boys Private..
Chanco and Poly To Be Re-opened in 2 MONTHS Time. After a lengthy discussion..
“I came with an open heart and I found the Africa I thought”, these..
In a survey done at Chancellor College on whether students want to continue with..