Sweden has officially declared sex as a sport and finalised arrangements to launch its..
Sweden has officially signed her country’s application to join NATO, following Monday’s announcement to proceed..
A mother in Sweden has been arrested on suspicion of locking her son inside..
Uganda has announced plans to impose the death penalty on homosexuals. The bill, colloquially..
A 28-year-old Kenyan lesbian, Lucy Murugi, seeking asylum in Sweden has had her application..
A prison is a building, a place of detention, a location of confinement where..
Global poverty is no longer what it is used to be, a United Nations..
South Africa has been named in a new report on “Globalising Torture” as one..
[caption id="attachment_5607" align="alignleft" width="290" caption="Jumani kamuzu Banda - Pic by zodiak"][/caption] 1-Since your expulsion,..